The Story of Reverend Robbie

My name is Reverend Robbie Miles. I have been a reverend since April 2024. My journey to this point started all the way back in 2008 when my mother first signed me up for vacation bible school when I was a young boy. I did not even know who Jesus or God was. I wasn't fully committed to church, but went on occasion with my mother.


Fast forward to the winter of 2013, I was invited back to church by my mother's friend Lisa who asked if I would like to attend youth group. A few months later, I was asked to be a Sunday school teacher for K-5th. Over time, I developed a love for teaching children about God, as I was learning myself and spreading the good news. In the following months, I began to teach preschool level and even nursery/toddlers.

My New Chapter

September 7, 2014, I was baptized at just thirteen years old. My pastor's wife was the one to get me to take that next step into my walk with Jesus. Sadly, our time with her was cut short due to her passing from stage 4 colon cancer. In the devastation, there was something that I have still never forgotten to this day about her, and it's that she always held her faith close in the times it may have fallen short. She was known for her spirituality and for her love that her lord blessed her with. To serve the kingdom that she would one day enter into with eternal life!


My Test of Faith

During high school, I fell far from my faith. Being bullied took a toll on my mental health. I lost track with what I loved. I stopped going to church. I would often keep asking myself, "Is there really a God?" There was a day that I returned to church after almost two years of filling all my time with school clubs and videogames, and I sat down with my pastor and his new wife and I asked him, "Has there ever been a time where you were at your lowest and your faith was tested?". My pastor replied and reminded me that even when times get rough, those are the times where you need to pray the most. 

January of 2020, my church had a gas leak that cancelled services for two weeks. I thought to myself that morning, where should I go now? I then remembered there was one other church I had attended before, but only for Veterans Day services. I went there and sat through one service, thinking that it was only for one or two weeks. Wrong! My faith began to be restored. Was it the giant pipe organ that left me in awe with the loud beautiful selection of music? Was it the scripture that the pastor spoke like it was written just for me? Was it the people of the sanctuary that felt like family? It was all of that and more. Did I love my previous church, of course, but a wise pastor once told me, "You need to find the right church for YOU." Little did I know it would take a gas leak to get me to find that church that God planned for me to grow in.

My Faith Revived

In 2022, I was approached to be a part of the church choir. The church choir director approached me and asked me for many months to join, after hearing me sing in the pews for two years. Little did I know that joining the choir, I would be introduced to a new loving family that I've grown to know and love so much. 

That same year, our new church reverend had come to me and asked if I would like to join her to be a liturgist for a future service coming up. Even though at the time, I had a little stage fright speaking alone up in front of tons of people, of course I wasn't going to say no to the leader of the church! So between 2022 and 2024, I began to start speaking as much as I do singing at my beloved church.

October 2024, I said "I Do" to the love of my life that God put on this earth for me, and to be married in the church that my faith has grown the most in. My wife has also began to grow in her spiritual walk, not only since meeting me in 2023, but since the day we were granted one of God's most sacred accomplishments. 

My Commitment To God

As time went on, and as my walk with faith has grown, I would have never thought I would want to extend my faithful service to being a reverend or minister. My next goals with my journey is to begin carrying out wedding ceremonies, baptisms, funeral processions, and generally praying more over those who need it most. As time prevails, I plan to also attend college for Biblical Christian Ministries to expand my knowledge and open doors for me to become the pastor of a sanctuary one day, preferably the one I reside in.


Rev Robert F. Miles II